来週は下記2店舗での試食会を予定しております ✨
9/25(月) 16:00〜18:00
9/30(土) 11:00〜13:00/16:00〜18:00
産後のお母さんだけではなく、お子さまやご家族の方にもお召し上がりいただけますので、是非この機会にお試しください 😊
F&F Tasting Event:We are holding more tastings in September at @fforganic_!Thank you to everyone who came to our Yoyogi Uehara store on Friday!Next week we will be having tasting events at the following two stores ✨
@Hiroo store
9/25(Mon) 16:00-18:00
@ Azabujuban Store
9/30(Sat) 11:00-13:00/16:00-18:00
Not only for postpartum mothers, but also for children and family members 😊