











*出典:鳥取県 福祉保健部子育て王国推進局(平成26年), 産前・産後ケアに関するアンケート調査報告書(概要)

Postpartum Immunity

Our immune systems are easily weakened by the fatigue of childbirth and newborn parenting as well as lack of sleep. In Japan, it is reported that more than 10% of postpartum women become sick. 

In addition to that, when our babies start going to daycare and bring home various illnesses, the whole family gets sick.

It is very important to keep your own immune system strong before you or someone in the family brings home a bug.

Our "5 Mushroom and Japanese Ume Soup" contains immune-supporting ingredients such as mushrooms, carrots, and black garlic. The soup is lightly seasoned with ume plums (another ingredient for immune support)!) and full of umami from the mushrooms🍄

-Vitamin D in mushrooms, as well as lentinan in shiitake and beta-glucans in maitake mushrooms, aid immune function.

-The bata carotene in carrots supports the immune system by maintaining healthy epithelial cells in the skin, mucous membranes, gastrointestinal tract, lungs, and trachea.

-Compared to regular garlic, black garlic contains more antioxidant polyphenols and amino acids, which help the immune system.

Shimeji mushrooms help relieve constipation and enoki mushrooms help relieve stress. Citric acid in ume plums helps relieve fatigue. Enjoy this soup with noodles and rice!

Try to stock up on a bag. (I eat a bowl as soon as I feel something wrong with my throat😅)


