

アメリカでは、給料が補助される形の産休・育休自体が国で約束されておらず、全く取得できない方々が多いそうです。 育休制度が有名なスウェーデンでさえ、給料の一部が補助される期間は夫婦合わせて1年3カ月程。 これに対し、日本は夫婦合わせて2年以上(保育園などに預けられない場合は最長合計4年)です。

しかし、日本は充実した制度があるにも関わらず、男性が育休を利用するのは約17%。 それに比べスウェーデンでは、90%の男性が育休を利用しています。


しかし、出産を経てキャリアを積んでもらうためには、男性も育休を利用して家庭を一緒に支えられる「イクメン」が不可欠になってきます👱🏼‍♂️ 日本の文化・社風・社会的要因・家庭事情等様々な要因があるかと思いますが、社会のため、家庭のため、ご自身のため、そして赤ちゃんのためにも、男性も積極的に育休をとれる環境づくりが大事ですね🌱✨




Today is Ikumen Day (Ikumen=Men that are very involved in parenting)! Did you know that Japan has one of the very best national maternity and paternity leave systems in the world? In the U.S., the government does not promise a subsidized maternity/paternity leave, so many people are not able to take it at all. Even in Sweden, which has a world-famous parental leave system, the subsidized parental leave is about one year and three months for both mother and father combined. In Japan, the combined period of subsidized leave for both parents combined, is more than two years (or up to four years with an extension if the child is not admitted into daycare)! However, despite the great policies in Japan, not many fathers take advantage of it. In Sweden, for example, 90% of fathers take advantage of childcare leave, while in Japan, the figure is 17%. In Japan's super-aging society, the number of working people is decreasing, so it is extremely important to both "increase the number of children" and "have half the population—women, also have careers". "Ikumen" are indispensable in order to encourage women to pursue their careers even after childbirth. There may be various factors such as culture, company culture, social factors, and family circumstances that make it difficult, but it's really important to create an enviornment that is paternity leave-friendly—for society, fathers, their family and baby :) #forher #forherごはん #産後 #産後ケア #産後ママ #出産祝い #ギフト #薬膳 #無添加 #イクメン #育休 #postpartum #postpartumfood


