
今日は授乳中の乳頭のひりひりした痛みのやわらげ方を、「助産師 棚元麻由」からお伝えします。



  1. 授乳後に母乳を塗る 母乳には傷の治りを早める効果がありますので、授乳後母乳を少しだけ絞り乳頭に塗ってみましょう。
  2. 馬油やラノリン(羊毛から抽出した保湿成分)を塗る →傷や亀裂の予防にもなります。油膜が作られるので乳頭の保護にも効果的ですよ。
  3. ハイドロジェルパッドなどで保護する パットをはることでひんやりして心地がよいこと、また保湿の効果があります。乳頭を保護できるので下着とのこすれからくる痛みにも効果があります。

産後は睡眠不足や疲れで注意力が散漫になっていますので、必ずパッドをはがしてから授乳してくださいね。 少しでも授乳の痛みがない状態で過ごせますように💓


【監修】助産師 棚元麻由 助産師・看護師・保健師の資格を持ち順天堂大学医学部附属病院はじめ夫の転勤と共に各地で保健所やクリニックにて勤務。東京ではベビーサイン・ベビーマッサージ教室を開講。マタニティヨーガ指導者資格も保有。




Today, Mayu Tanamoto, a certified nurse midwife in Japan, will tell you how to ease nipple pain during breastfeeding. Actually, the only proven effective way to alleviate nipple soreness is to improve positioning (the posture and position of mother and baby during breastfeeding) and latch. However, moisturized and soft nipples are easier to breastfeed with, and less prone to open wounds, so we will first introduce how to moisturize* your nipples. Method

  1. Apply breast milk after nursing. Breast milk has the effect of speeding up the healing of wounds, so squeeze a little breast milk after nursing and apply it to your nipples. Method
  2. Apply horse oil or lanolin (a moisturizing ingredient extracted from wool) This will help prevent scars and fissures. It is also effective in protecting nipples as it creates an oil film. Method
  3. Protect with a hydrogel pad, etc. The pads are cool and also moisturize the nipples. Since your nipples are covered, it is also effective in preventing pain from rubbing against your bra.

Be sure to remove the pad before breastfeeding! We hope you can stay as pain-free as possible when nursing💓

Mayu Tanamoto, Licensed Nurse-Midwife in Japan Mayu is licensed as a midwife, nurse, and public health nurse, and has worked at public health centers and clinics including Juntendo University Hospital. In Tokyo, she held baby signing and baby massage classes. She is also a certified maternity yoga instructor.


