

リンパを流しやすくするための改善策の一つとして、「マタニティヨーガ指導者資格保有の助産師 棚元」が紹介する、簡単なヨーガがあります🧘

このヨーガは、ママの体に問題がなければ妊娠中はどの期間でも、また出産後は半日程度経過していれば始められます。 むくみだけでなく反り腰の予防、静脈瘤の予防にも効果的ですので、是非トライしてみてくださいね☺️


【監修】助産師 棚元麻由 助産師・看護師・保健師の資格を持ち順天堂大学医学部附属病院はじめ夫の転勤と共に各地で保健所やクリニックにて勤務。東京ではベビーサイン・ベビーマッサージ教室を開講。マタニティヨーガ指導者資格も保有。




In a previous post, we mentioned that one of the causes of postpartum swelling is often a situation where lymphatic flow is blocked due to decreased activity.

One way to help the lymphatic system flow more easily is a simple yoga practice introduced by Mayu Tanamoto, a certified maternity yoga instructor and nurse-midwife in Japan.

This yoga can be started at any time during pregnancy as long as there are no problems with the mother’s body, and after birth as long as about half a day has passed. It is effective in preventing not only swelling but also arching of the lower back and varicose veins.

Mayu Tanamoto, Licensed Nurse-Midwife in Japan Mayu is licensed as a midwife, nurse, and public health nurse, and has worked at public health centers and clinics including Juntendo University Hospital. In Tokyo, she held baby signing and baby massage classes. She is also a certified maternity yoga instructor.


