- 産後の会陰部痛や、帝王切開の手術の傷による痛みがあること
- 排便時、力を入れるのが不安で踏ん張りにくくなること
- 痔による痛みがあること
- 妊娠によりお腹周りの筋肉が引き伸ばされお腹に力が入れにくくなること
- 運動不足により腸の動きが低下すること
- 生活リズムが崩れること
- ホルモンバランスの変化による自律神経の乱れがあること
産後3週間ほどが経過してから、取り入れられる便秘やガス抜き改善のヨーガを「マタニティヨーガ指導者資格保有の助産師 棚元」からご紹介します✨
このヨーガは腹筋の強化、内臓を刺激して活動を促進する効果、お腹を圧迫するガスを排出する効果などがあります。 食事面では、水分、食物繊維、乳酸菌の取り入れも意識してくださいね🥣 なお、このヨーガは子宮を圧迫する体勢をとるため妊娠中は控えてください⚠️
【監修】助産師 棚元麻由 助産師・看護師・保健師の資格を持ち順天堂大学医学部附属病院はじめ夫の転勤と共に各地で保健所やクリニックにて勤務。東京ではベビーサイン・ベビーマッサージ教室を開講。マタニティヨーガ指導者資格も保有。
Constipation tends to occur after childbirth for the following reasons:
- Postpartum pain in the perineum or pain caused by the scar from a cesarean section
- Being anxious about pushing during bowel movements
- Pain caused by hemorrhoids
- Weakened abdominal muscles due to the stretching of them during pregnancy
- Lack of movement of the intestines due to lack of exercise
- Disruptions to your regular daily schedule
- Autonomic nervous system being disrupted due to hormonal changes
Mayu Tanamoto, a certified maternity yoga instructor and nurse-midwife in Japan, will introduce a yoga pose for improving constipation and gas release.
This pose can be done after about three weeks after delivery. This yoga strengthens the abdominal muscles, stimulates the internal organs, and helps release gas in the abdomen. Diet is also important; drink lots of water and eat foods with fiber and probiotics! Please note that this yoga should not be practiced during pregnancy, as it puts pressure on the uterus.
Mayu Tanamoto, Licensed Nurse-Midwife in Japan Mayu is licensed as a midwife, nurse, and public health nurse, and has worked at public health centers and clinics including Juntendo University Hospital. In Tokyo, she held baby signing and baby massage classes. She is also a certified maternity yoga instructor.